Get your Massage & Business Minds Connected
At MBI Consulting we specialize in teaching the connection between the physical body and the mind's calling. When they work together, the connection is astounding.
Learn how to open your own Proprietary School, Train your staff in Advanced Therapeutic Bodywork, discover Business Enrichment and Best Practices.
You will have the opportunity to learn first-hand how a Proprietary School, Massage Practice, or a World-class Spa operates.
We have our headquarters in Manistee Michigan.
Why MBI ?
Massage and Business Incorporation is vital to be able to help others.
How many people can you help if you are out of business?
MBI provides opportunities for a new career an improved career and personal growth.
We strive to help you have the tools to guide yourself and others to live healthier and more fulfilling lives. We look forward to traveling down this path with you.
Areas of consulting at Massage and Business Incorporation include: Massage and Bodywork, Mind Body & Spirit, Leadership, and Sustainability, Incorporating the business side with the massage side of your brain to enhance your career.
Lecture and interaction
Hands on is emphasized
Graduates of Mind Body Institute
its like having a second family
Most of the classroom time is hands-on learning
Meet Your Consultant/Mentor:
Jim Baker, LMT, CNHP
Jim is a Graduate Massage Therapist and a Certified Natural Health Professional, an entrepreneur, business owner, and natural health and spa consultant.
He brings over 25 years of experience to the table, after a successful career of working at world-class and award-winning spas. As the founder, Jim brings over 25 years experience as a co-founder, owner and director at two widely respected Schools of Natural Health and Massage and management at world class spas.
His style of mentoring and consulting are reflective of his enthusiasm for his subject and his clients.